Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The origin!!

Well well well, its almost 1 am in the morning and as usual I am not sleepy. I have been taking rest for nearly a month now and I am fed up of being idle. Watching movies and TV were the only things I was able to do. Damn the Hepatitis!!!. Now I am bored of that too. Then it clicked me that i have just completed 22 years of age and i didn't even create a single blog so far. Thanks to my friend Rajgopal for reminding me the existence of this wonderful media called BLOG. Shame on me. So sticking on to the phrase "better late than never" I have now entered the world of blogging.

Now that I made up my mind, next question is what should i start with. Again it struck me that people who know me( or bugged by me to be specific) have no clue how ended up being a KADI. They have assumed I was born with that gift. They are absolutely right. But what they don't know is that I didn't discover that gift in me until 6 years back when I was in my 11th standard.

Bugging was not a hobby for me when I was in 10th standard. It was a necessity. I dunno how my friends in school felt this but then I was not an outstanding guy then. Just an ordinary, shabby, nervous guy with very low self esteem.I wanted people to know that even I existed among them. I Hated that feeling to the core. I don't remember how all this started but then I used BUGGING as a tool to gain others attention. That just worsened things for me. I gained attention but then not the way I wanted. I was this bad bugger guy. But it was too late. It was like a life long commitment with Bugging.

Then came my 11th standard. A turning point in my life. Once committed I cant leave bugging. But why not put it to good use. I discovered something. Though people say they hate PJs( Poor jokes), vallips or mokkais, It is a FACT that they enjoy them to the core. Before realizing this I thought I was the only one who loved PJs. but then everyone does. Just that no one tells it out. Why is it like that? Thats a question I would like to pose to my dear readers because I still don't have an answer to it.

Coming back to me. I started experimenting with this new strategy. It all happened as if my fairy godmother swished her wand or something. Not only did I earn attention to some extent, people actually started loving my company. And the most important of all. I discovered that I am not a loser in life. I had tons and tons of creativity in me. I WAS, AM, AND WILL BE AN ARTIST. It just took time for me to realize that fact. What is my art?? well I thought it was creating PJs and bugging. But then I was wrong. It was keeping people happy. I don't know how true this is but a research says "ones life span increases by 0.001 % every time he has a hearty laugh". I dont care weather this is true or false. In fact i dont want to live very long. But thats a different case. All I care is people should be happy around me which, is also my main source of happiness. I am so sure that people who know me and who are reading this won't be able to believe that all this is coming from my mind. But then friends these are all facts that very few(probably 3 or 4) of them know. With that I am signing off now. feeling a bit sleepy now. Will be back later with more shocking facts. :)


  1. Kadi boy! Good job! Make all the i's capital I's.

  2. Dude, so this is the reason for all ur "kadi"ness huh? Bad, that I came 2 kno all dese after de end of coll! Anyways, keep blogging! :)

  3. No way dude, you wanted bugging. It was not the commitment you had with it, that kept you going. Your existence itself was dependent on that poor little thing.

  4. hi sunny...awesome...liked it to the core!! keep updating!! dint know u were so talented!!

  5. finally.. kadification! gud one!:)

  6. sorry to see the comments this late guys. i really appreciate ur response. And satish, the whole point of me telling u all this is because we finished our col :P
